Post-Construction Cleaning

Post-Construction Cleaning

Newly renovated homes and freshly constructed properties often gather a significant amount of dust and debris. At The House Cleaning Maids, we possess the expertise and tools to handle this challenging task with precision .

Post-construction cleaning demands meticulous attention to detail, and our skilled team is prepared to deliver impeccable results.

For these demanding projects, we typically assign two specialized crews, equipped with an extensive array of cleaning supplies, including a diverse selection of microfiber rags and over seven different cleaning solutions. This comprehensive preparation ensures that we can effectively clean any surface type we encounter.

Given the delicate nature of post-construction environments, which often include newly installed appliances, sinks, faucets, and doors, we take extra precautions to protect these items. Our approach involves employing gentle cleaning methods, primarily utilizing soap and water to remove dust and debris, thus minimizing the risk of scratching or damaging any surfaces.

You can trust The House Cleaning Maids to transform your post-construction space into a pristine and welcoming environment, ready for occupancy

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